Friday, January 29, 2010

Green Tea Weight Loss

Green Tea Weight Loss

Many people are now turning to natural green tea weight loss plans to help them in their weight control efforts. It is simple too. Green tea can be taken like any other tea, hot or cold, usually without milk or sweeteners.

Research has shown that green tea helps to reduce weight by stimulating the body's thermogenesis process, which increases the expenditure of energy and the oxidization of fat in the body. Many compounds found in plants have this effect.

There are only two ways to lose weight: one way is by eating less (consuming fewer calories) and the other is by increasing expenditure of energy (using up more calories). Green tea works by increasing output.

Green tea has the added benefit of containing powerful antioxidants that may be beneficial to your health in many ways, strengthening the immune system and protecting against disease.
At the same time you will need to exercise control in what you eat. If you eat more to compensate for the calories that are burnt by the tea, you will not lose any weight.

Keeping to the same calorific intake that you have now. Taking green tea should result in gradual weight loss and better energy levels over a few weeks. You can of course increase the speed of this by reducing calorie consumption and/or increasing exercise.

Green tea is a great weight control aid that can easily be incorporated into any weight loss program. Natural green tea should be a feature in your program if you want to keep the weight off permanently.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Benefits of Detoxing for your Health

Over the years your body has built up nasty toxins. These toxins can affect your whole body. Including the way you feel, how often you get sick each year and how your body handles stress.
There are times that you feel sluggish and stressed.

Your body may experience continuous headaches, fatigue, irritability, skin problems, digestive issues, aches and pains, stress. Rapid weight gain and the incapacity to lose the excess weight can also be signs of having toxins in the body.

Moreover, the toxins found in the body are found and in your fat cells. Your lifestyle and eating habits, the chemicals and preservatives added to our food, as well as some of our other habits such as, smoking and drinking, the environment around us, even the water we drink, it is almost impossible to avoid unwanted chemicals and toxins.

Detoxing your body and cleaning that unwanted garbage in your cells can drastically increase the effects of your over all health and anything else you are doing to get into better shape.
The body processes toxins through the liver, kidneys, and lower intestines. These organs take in toxins and either convert them to a usable form or send them for elimination but not all toxins are eliminated.

Along with the daily chemicals and toxins we take in, as the food we eat moves through the digestive system, it can build up on the intestinal wall and stay there for years. YUCK! So, what can you do to eliminate toxins from your body?

Herbalife offers a 21 Day Herbal Cleanse, A proprietary herbal blend including antioxidants and fiber, such as lemon, pectin and grapefruit bioflavonoids which helps to support healthy gastrointestinal function.* and includes fruit fiber for roughage, and helps reduce damage of free radicals.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.